epub |eng | 2003-08-14 | Author:Celia Brickman

POSTCOLONIAL SCHOLARS have increasingly begun to revisit the anthropological and historical archives, to demonstrate how the colonizing impulse of the west helped shape the categories of anthropological and historical knowledge ...
( Category: Discrimination & Racism June 4,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2012-06-04 | Author:Yalom, Irvin D. [Yalom, Irvin D.]

At the onset of therapy, Betty had indeed wanted only the trim painted but had been drawn inexorably into reconstructive work on the deep interior of the house. Moreover, the ...
( Category: Psychiatry April 5,2015 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2013-02-19 | Author:Erich Fromm [Fromm, Erich]

While Marx already used the term “repression (Verdraengung) of the ordinary natural desires” in the German Ideology,57 Rosa Luxemburg, one of the most brilliant Marxists in the pre-1914 period, expressed ...
( Category: Communism & Socialism March 3,2015 )
epub |eng | 2010-04-22 | Author:Sloterdijk, Peter [Sloterdijk, Peter]

Based on the essence of the law of necessity and full justice, we have to dedicate ourselves fully to the enduring, irresistible, incessant destruction, which needs to grow like a ...
( Category: Deconstruction November 8,2014 )
epub, mobi |rus | 2010-03-19 | Author:Murphy, Joseph [Murphy, Joseph]

How the Scientific Thinker Looks at Money Suppose, for example, you found gold, silver, lead, copper, or iron in the ground. Would you pronounce these things evil? All evil comes ...
( Category: New Thought November 7,2014 )
mobi, epub, pdf |eng | 2010-10-03 | Author:Paul Brunton

2 Rebirth And Reincarnation 1 The wheel of life does not stop for long – soon it will turn again and pass from the point of death to the point ...
( Category: Psychoanalysis October 27,2014 )
azw3, mobi |eng | 2003-09-01 | Author:Jonathan Lear

I said, “Maybe that’s why.” “Yes, you’re the doctor,” he replied. “Why haven’t you cured me? I’ve been waiting for you to fix me.” This was the moment when Mr. ...
( Category: Psychiatry August 22,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2010-12-05 | Author:Sidney Rosen

The couple in this tale are similar, in many ways, to the young woman in “Sin.” Because of their rigid, constricting upbringing, they require very clear directive guidance in overcoming ...
( Category: Psychoanalysis August 21,2014 )
azw3, epub, pdf |eng | 2013-03-05 | Author:Ludwig Klages & Joseph D. Pryce

However, we feel that the time has come to remember that the course upon which modern psychology as a whole has entered never leads beyond a somewhat restricted range of ...
( Category: Modern July 23,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2012-02-14 | Author:Hillman, James [Hillman, James]

* * * 1 S. Leavy, “A Footnote to Jung’s ‘Memories’ ” Psychoanalytic Quarterly 33 (1964), pp. 567–74. 2 CW 7: 183. Further on the daimon as allotter of fate, ...
( Category: Psychoanalysis July 18,2014 )
epub, pdf |eng | | Author:Wilhelm Reich

Against me: 1. The machine guns of the fascists and communists. 2. Mankind’s fear of pleasure. 3. Politics and the lack of awareness. 4. The world order. 8 November 1937 ...
( Category: Psychoanalysis May 31,2014 )
epub |eng | 1999-01-17 | Author:May, Rollo [May, Rollo]

* Light is thrown on this by contemporary research into the differing functions of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, begun by Dr. R. W. Sperry at the ...
( Category: Psychoanalysis April 21,2014 )
epub, mobi, pdf |eng | 2011-11-29 | Author:Carl Gustav Jung [Jung, Carl Gustav]

Oh, come, lonely hunter in the stillness of dusk. Come, come! I miss you, I miss you! Now I will embrace you, embrace you! Come, come! My nest is near, ...
( Category: Psychoanalysis April 19,2014 )
epub |eng | 2011-04-12 | Author:Slavoj Zizek

II So in what, exactly, does the difference between Lacan and deconstruc-tion reside? Let me elaborate this crucial point apropos the Derridean couple, ‘supplement/centre’. In a way reminiscent of the ...
( Category: Popular Culture April 13,2014 )
epub |por | 2009-07-01 | Author:Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva [Silva, Ana Beatriz Barbosa]

( Category: Reference April 10,2014 )